Interview Questions

Posted by Hugh Ang at 9/09/2008 09:46:00 AM

Having a list of questions with standard answers to score candidates during technical screenings certainly has its benefits, especially maintaining consistencies across different interviewers. However if the interviewer simply compares the candidate's answers to the official ones, then she is not doing her job. Interview is an interactive process and should be leveraged as such. Many seemingly easy questions can be extended to discussions at both broader and deeper levels. You will get a better picture of candidate's overall skills and experiences this way. For example, there is usually a basic question on the differences between value and reference types. This question can be extended to boxing/unboxing, and the scenarios where boxing/unboxing can occur and the performance implications, which can be a good starting point to test candidate's knowledge on generics. There are semantic implications of boxing and unboxing as well. A boxed integer, e.g. is a brand new object with a copy of the initial integer value. The following is not allowed by the C# compiler:

int i = 1; // class instance field


You could hack it with:

lock ((object)i)

But you will not get the intended lock semantics. I will leave it to you to answer why that is the case. If you know the answer, you will see that you can evaluate the candidate's knowledge of threading and synchronization, besides boxing/unboxing.

And there is more! A related topic is passing by reference vs. passing by value in function calls (I had a previous blog in this area). And you can take the initial question and extend it to a discussion on heap vs. stack and further on GC.

So you see how one easy question can be extended quite a bit and become the vehicle for you to test candidate's overall knowledge. Of course you need to be sensitive to time and not go off to all directions. You usually will get a sense of the candidate's knowledge half way through and can decide whether to go further or not from that point.